A Democracy Festival
Frihamnsdagarna is Sweden’s new arena for change, sustainability and democracy. Welcome to Gothenburg the 29-31 of August 2024.
Democracy is being challenged all around the world. Global threats such as the climate change and biodiversity loss require wider range of collaboration and immediate action. National as well as local challenges such as integration, education and labor market require new solutions and joined efforts.
Frihamnsdagarna’s purpose is to be an arena where citizens meet industry, government and academia for dialogue.
Annual festival
As summer ends the annual festival takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden. Citizens and organizations from all parts of society meet to talk about social challenges, the future, sustainability and democracy. In 2024 the festival take place the 29-31 of August.
It’s held on a pier in central Gothenburg. The name Frihamnsdagarna means Free Port Days. Historically the free port was a place where goods could be imported without custom. Today it’s a place for new ideas.
The arena has a number of stages and stands where seminars, workshops, debates and speeches take place. The festival is also a place for food, culture and music.
Speak freely
Since day one, Frihamnsdagarna have shown what power that emerges when people from different industries, with different backgrounds and with different perspectives meet freely in conversation.
Each participating organization chooses their own topic. It must be a societal issue and participation must not be based on commercial messages.
The program is mainly in Swedish, but it is up to each organizer and partner to decide what language they prefer.
Standing on common ground
In order to participate, we require each organisation to take an active stance on Frihamnsdagarnas core values which are the following:
Together, we strengthen democracy by creating and facilitating dialogue between people and organizations. This in purpose of increased sustainability and change.
Partnerships make Frihamnsdagarna possible
Frihamnsdagarna has no entrence fee and is free for the public to visit. The festival is created to cultivate a place where as many voices as possible can be heard and where different perspectives can meet. When people come together, ideas emerge. Ideas we hope to see will lead to positive changes with longlasting results.
The festival is organized by the non-partisan and religiously non-affiliated association Frihamnsdagarna. The festival emerged as a result of a citizen initiative in 2021. It’s created and shaped by members and volonteers. Any surplus is reinvested into the business. The festival is financed by companies and organizations participating either as organizers or through partnerships.
Join Frihamnsdagarna!
Do you want to be part of the festival together with hundreds of other organisations?
Please contact us at info@frihamnsdagarna.se.

More photos at Flickr.